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All of our animals have a special story to tell. Most were rescued, some have epic survival tales but they are all our pets! We do not breed any animals.  There are enough animals that need homes.  

We rescued Pumbaa at 6 months old and we were his 4th home through no fault of his own. Despite popular trends "mini, micro and tea cup" pigs do not stay small! Pumbaa loves being pet, belly rubs and has learned all kinds of great commands. He currently walks up his special ramp into his crate so he can go meet new friends at our events.


Uno the Miracle Turkey

Favorite Past time: Dust baths

Favorite Activity: Hunting Flies

Birthday: 8/1/2018


Pumbaa The Potbelly Pig

Favorite Past time: Sitting for treats

Favorite Activity: Belly Rubs

Birthday: 10/1/2018

Uno's parents, Bourbon and Mrs Bourbon had started a nest and Mrs. Bourbon was sitting on her clutch of eggs. Unfortunately something attacked her and the nest and all the eggs were destroyed except for one! We took the egg and put it in an incubator and hoped for the best. On Aug 1, we heard the egg hatching! Uno survived but she is an orphan and had no siblings so a feather duster played the role of Mom in the beginning. Uno now has plenty of "step" chicken sisters to keep her company.


Favorite Past time: Eating Hay

Favorite Treat: Banana 

Birthday: 1/1/2018

Rabby is just a young bunny with a lot of love to give. He is older than Skiddles by 5 months. He is very laid back and loves pets! He loves to run, hop and play with is brother!


Favorite Past time: Eating Hay

Favorite Treat: Basil

Birthday: 5/13/2018

Skiddles is Mr Personality and is very inquisitive! He loves pets and meeting new friends! He also loves to run, hop and play with his brother.



Favorite Past Time: Chewing papertowel rolls

Favorite Treat:  Mint

Birthday: 11/29/2018

We adopted Shelby from a local rabbit rescue.  She is a Flemish Giant and had grown too big for her previous owner.  Shelby is a sweetheart and loves to meet new friends in her stroller.


Favorite Past Time:  Eating peas

Species: Muscovy



Favorite Past Time:  hiding in his cave

Species: Leopard Spider Pinstripe Ball Python 

Birthday: 5/1/2017

Lucy The Potbelly Pig 

Favorite Past time: Getting everyone's attention

Favorite Treat: Raisins

Birthday: 8/5/2019

We rescued Lucy at 3 months old and we were her 3rd home through no fault of her own. Despite popular trends "mini, micro and tea cup" pigs do not stay small! Lucy loves being pet, belly rubs and is learning all kinds of great commands. She loves to meet new friends at our events.


We have several different breeds of chickens, some are rescues & some we bought from local farms. 


Favorite Past Time:  Eating mealworms

Carl & Ellie

Favorite Past Time: Getting Cuddles

Favorite Treat: Mint leaves

Birthday: 7/27/2020

Carl & Ellie are twin Pygmy Goats. They came to us at a week old after their mother died.  They were bottle babies and are extremely friendly! They LOVE attention and making new friends! 


Te Fiti

Favorite Past Time: Peeking out of her hide

Birthday: Unknown-2018

Te Fiti is a normal pattern Ball Python.  We adopted her because her happy home in a science classroom changed when the school closed in for 2020. She is extremely friendly as far as snakes go and since she is used to being in a classroom she is comfortable with being handled, the different sounds and smells. 


Favorite Past Time: Nose pets

Favorite Treat: Hay

Birthday: Unknown-2019

We adopted S'mores from a local rabbit rescue.  He was taken in from a neglect situation. Despite his background he couldn't be any sweeter of a bunny!  


Favorite Past Time: Napping on his side
Favorite Treats: Basil
Birthday: Spring 2021

Twix is very special, having only one ear. Twix can hear just fine, we just check his special ear to make sure it is healthy and clear.  Twix is a perfect example of how everyone is different and that is okay! 

Favorite Past Time: Eating hay

Favorite Treat: Animal Crackers

Birthday: Spring 2021


Kevin loves to climb and has 2 blue eyes! 



Favorite Past Time: Sunbathing

Favorite Treat: Animal Crackers

Birthday: Spring 2021

Doug is a special breed of meat goat but has found a safe home with us! He loves attention and pets! 


Favorite Past Time: Zoomies

Favorite Treat: Banana

Birthday: Unkown-2021 

 Cannoli came from a rabbit rescue.  She was found dumped in a parking lot.  She has the biggest personality and loves people! 




Favorite Past Time: High Jumps

Favorite Treat: Hay

Birthday: Unkown-2022

Cadbury came from a rabbit rescue.  She was found near a dumpster.  She is our smallest rabbit but has the highest jumps when doing her zoomies! 


Bruno (We can talk about him)

Favorite Past Time: Loves People!

Favorite Treat: Animal Crackers

Birthday: Unkown-2022

Bruno is a Dutch rabbit and came from a rabbit rescue.  He was left in a shed when his person moved. He loves people and attention! He is our little Romeo.  



Favorite Past Time: Stretching Out

Favorite Treat: Animal Crackers

Birthday: Unkown-2022

Sulley is a Flemish Giant and Chinchilla rabbit breed mix. He came from a rabbit rescue.  His previous home did not take correct care of him. He has gained weight to fill out to be the big boy he should be and his coat looks much better! Sulley and Perdita were rescued together and after proper vet care they have been rebonded. 



Favorite Past Time: Digging 

Favorite Treat: Animal Crackers

Birthday: Unkown-2022

Perdita is an English Spot rabbit. She came from a rabbit rescue.  Her previous owner did not take correct care of her. She has gained weight and her coat looks much better! Perdita is a foster fail. We were fostering her for the rabbit rescue but after everything Perdita had been through her sweet personality captured our hearts! Perdita and Sulley were rescued together and after proper vet care they have been rebonded. 


Favorite Past Time: Laying in his Tunnel

Favorite Treat: Grass

Birthday: Unkown-2022

Hershey is our 2nd foster fail. His previous home let him go to fend for himself. We were fostering him for the rabbit rescue but even with everything he had been through his sweet personality captured our hearts! After proper vet care and gaining weight Hershey is much happier and healthier! 


Favorite Past Time: Basking in the Sun

Favorite Treat: Spring Mix

Birthday: 2018

Bowser is a Sulcata Tortoise. At 5 years old we were his 4th home. One of his previous homes was not giving him proper care. Due to incorrect care he has "pyramiding" on his shell. It won't get better but with better care it won't get worse. Bowser is very inquisitive and is thriving! 


Bluey & Bingo

Favorite Past Time: Goat Shenanigans

Favorite Treat: Animal Crackers

Birthdays: 1/2024


Bluey & Bingo are Pygmy and Nigerian Dwarf cross goats. They joined our family at 8 weeks old. Bluey has 2 blue eyes. They LOVE attention, treats and making new friends! 

Princess Peach
Favorite Past Time: Loves attention!
Favorite Treat: Oatmeal
Birthday: Unknown-2023

Princess Peach is a Rex rabbit and one of our more severe rescue in takes. The rabbit rescue we work with saved her from very poor conditions.  She was covered with urine and feces but is going through a beautiful transformation. 

© 2019 by Farm Friends, LLC.

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